The Surgeon of Sound
Vibrational sound therapy

“The body is made up of sound. The presence of disease indicates that some sounds have gone out of tune.”
Deepak Chopra
How does vibrational sound therapy work?

Did you know that the faculty of hearing is one of the first senses to develop in the womb and the last to depart before death? In addition to perceiving sound through the ears, we also ‘hear’ the pressure waves of sound through our skin? And the water that makes up approximately 70% of our bodies conducts sound up to five times faster than air.
Sound has a profound effect on all living systems. As it goes directly into and through the body, you don’t have to be consciously aware of it for it to make profound neurological changes – it bypasses the mind and works its wonders anyway! The vagus nerve – which connects the ear to the brain – also connects the ear to nearly every organ in the body.
Vibrational sound therapy is based on the principle of sympathetic resonance, which is the term for when a vibrating object, placed next to another vibrating object, causes them to vibrate together – with the lower vibration compelled to rise and match the higher vibration. If we think about opera singers, they can have the ability to shatter glass with sound! This happens when the opera singer’s voice reaches and matches the same vibratory frequency of the glass. This is also known as resonance harmony. The resonance harmony principle relates to the cellular absorption of frequencies and is a very effective way to bring the body back into balance.
When our cells reach a certain frequency, it triggers light particles (photons) in our body to ignite, which then turns on the internal light in our body, raising the frequency of old oscillating cells. This connects us on a much deeper conscious level, bringing about the transition of cellular realignment, helping to change old patterns of thinking, behaviour and belief systems.
Nikola Tesla said, ‘If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration’.
This is so very true.
Every single atom, particle, and molecule is pure ENERGY. All energy has a constant vibration and frequency. This includes us! Every single one of us at this precise moment is vibrating at a specific frequency. This includes our bodies, organs, brain, cells, tissue, plasma, and electromagnetic fields – known as the biofield.
All emotions, thoughts and feelings carry a specific energy vibration. In effect, we are our own unique sound system. Where the vibrational frequency is low the natural frequency and harmonious pattern is disrupted. This can manifest into illness or disease unless the vibrational template is changed on a physical, mental, emotional or spiritual level.
Imagine your body as an orchestra and it’s playing a beautiful symphony. Suddenly, one of the instruments goes out of tune or stops playing completely. This not only affects the harmony of the symphony being played but also the whole orchestra working together. It has a domino effect on our energy system and vibrational template.
Sound changes your internal vibration, helping you return to resonating at the authentic frequency for you.
My work is a complementary therapy and should not replace any medication or medical advice.
· Induced feeling of deep relaxation.
· Soothes and regulates the nervous system, reducing cortisol levels, and feelings of fight, flight or freeze.
· Promotes feeling of calm, slowing down the brainwaves to the theta level.
· Increased sense of wellbeing and balance.
· Increased vitality, energy flow, feeling happier and ‘light’.
· Aids clarity and focus, improved concentration and learning ability.
· Stress, overwhelm, anxiety reduction, helping to cope with life’s challenges.
· Moving from ‘living in the head’ to ‘heart-based consciousness’.
· Improves sleep.
· Balances the right and left hemispheres of the brain, supporting emotional regulation.
· Beneficial for anyone, especially those who experience trauma, anxiety, depression, anger, low emotional and mental wellbeing, neurodiverse – Autism Spectrum Condition and ADHD, sensory processing differences and who find it challenging to engage with conventional talking based therapies.

What my clients say
“Since my sessions I find myself radiating with happiness and fulfilment. The treatments have been deep, calming and sensational.”
I offer a FREE 20 minute discovery call if you are interested to find out how I can help you.
You can contact me on 07912 226366 or email

Vibrational Sound Therapy
Tel. 07912 226366
©2020 Vibrational Sound Therapy
Website by Pink Lemon Branding & Design Ltd